So, have DDux's and Hud's paths crossed before? Was his stint in TN about run its course?
In perusing Daffy Dux's work experience, and his home page, I noticed two conspicuously absent references (present on home page, not on work experience): Wentzville, MO, and Davenport, IA. Wentzville isn't that large, and only has the former Crossroads Medical Center. The two together have nothing listed in his show-and-tell of organizations he's belonged to (most will give you membership for showing up, or buying a function ticket, or allowing your hospital to be a nursing clinical site.)
New American Healthcare Corp.(June98-Nov99) filed for bankruptcy in 2000, guess they couldn't live without him. In early 2000, guess which hospital was bought by Essent? Yep, Crossroads, formerly Doctors Hospital under New American Healthcare. Preceding that was the sale of Davenport Medical Center, in July of '99. Guess they weren't two of the three he turned around? And the quote of the day:
In perusing Daffy Dux's work experience, and his home page, I noticed two conspicuously absent references (present on home page, not on work experience): Wentzville, MO, and Davenport, IA. Wentzville isn't that large, and only has the former Crossroads Medical Center. The two together have nothing listed in his show-and-tell of organizations he's belonged to (most will give you membership for showing up, or buying a function ticket, or allowing your hospital to be a nursing clinical site.)
New American Healthcare Corp.(June98-Nov99) filed for bankruptcy in 2000, guess they couldn't live without him. In early 2000, guess which hospital was bought by Essent? Yep, Crossroads, formerly Doctors Hospital under New American Healthcare. Preceding that was the sale of Davenport Medical Center, in July of '99. Guess they weren't two of the three he turned around? And the quote of the day:
Commenting on the announcement, Thomas W. Singleton, president and chief executive officer (of NAH), said, "I regret that one of my first official acts is to signal poor financial results. Unfortunately, the Company is experiencing certain operational challenges which have made this announcement necessary. I don't expect to convince anyone that this is not a serious event; however, I assure you that I would not undertake this challenge unless I was confident that we can fix the problems and restore credibility."Another goodie is one DDux had in his work history:
"Averted pending loss of Medicare certification by CMS and successfully passed multiple Arizona State Department of Health Services inspections and investigations"That is an unusual statement, but it indicates that they (Phoenix Baptist) had lost their Medicare certification under DDux and had to scramble to reclaim it, the likes of which here would sink the hospital.
That has almost the same ring as the indictments against Columbia/HCA/Healthtrust in 1996-2002, wouldn't you say?
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