Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Understand....9/29

Yep, my attention has been diverted as well--the election looms in two months! Bet the decision on our case comes out within the week (after the election results.) Any takers?

But, let's go back to the election. It became a horse race in the middle of the Republican Convention...and with such a weak start, I was beginning to feel that it was all over.

Senator McCain took some advice, and brought in a ringer. She has to be. This was a conservative's wet dream: A working MOM, a member of the NRA, Pro-Life, happily married, active, a governor, and bucks the 'good ole boy' authority in the Republican party. And she can stand up before a record number of people and deliver a punchline. And a punch.


Maybe there are some fleas, but the Democrats are panicking. There are more PIs going through Sarah Palins life (and trash) than the number of times that Obama can say 'uh' in a speech. Their version of recycling is to hand the garbage to the next investigator in line.

And the more that the Democrats poke at non-issues, the more popular and the more of the sympathy vote the Republicans get. Kind of like the blog. When Essent was pursuing hot and heavy, they stirred up national attention. Now, the blog is barely hitting a thousand-fifteen hundred hits a week. (The record is about that in a day!)

But why bring the election up? Just trying to play on the Palin effect? Maybe, but Duc-boy's 'practice Scotish spending' reminds me of the Obama plea to fill your tires to solve the energy crisis. Far too little, Far too late

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