Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Smart and Safe International Travel for Students

Ready to buckle up, put on your headphones, peruse your in-flight magazine, and begin your travel adventure?

Exchange students and young U.S. citizens now have a Web site called Students Abroad to use as a resource for smart and safe international travel!

Lots of good information, including but not limited to, what to do in case of a natural disaster, locations for United States embassies, travel alerts and warnings, preparation and packing checklists and how to vote in United States elections while abroad.

The site is created and maintained by the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Find out more here.

Other places to check out if you are interested in detailed training, becoming a host family or exchange student: Northwest Student Exchange and Center for International Career Development (international training). If you go to our Wiki and sign up, one of our members runs these programs and can help you out.

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