Does the phrase "sacrifice one to save the others" meanTo my way of thinking, she could certainly use someone in her corner.anything to anyone?? That question was posed to me regarding the termination of a veteran nurse of the psychiatric unit, North campus. She was fired following administrations blunders. To my understanding those who blundered were untouched. Just wondered if anyone could bring some clarity. Seems that JCAHO was interested in her termination. I was present on 04/26/07, and will gladly stand up for injustice (if she is a reader of the blog).
Email me and should she do the same, I'll play matchmaker. Sort of e-harmony, or E(ssent)-Disharmony. But, I think you'd better be straight up, with her. She's been poorly turned out by the hospital, from what I gather, and some rectification of that wrong should be done.
For those wondering, my response to the Suddenlink/Essent agreement went in Monday. Stay tuned.... Think it was a suprise on several levels.....frank
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