Let's dig back a bit. We apparently have people that have to use their own vehicles to go back and forth between campuses to perform their jobs---yet have to clock out. One would think that they would only have to change their department in the time clock to be covered--and paid, but nooooo, you're on your own. I missed a comment and thought I'd bring it to light.

I've been there and done this one. Yes they do pay you milage--no it's not enough milage, I can't remember what they said it was, but it took me 4 miles , and they paid me for i'm thinking 2.2 of them.Wonder if a supervisor, having to get supplies or whatever downtown or at the other campus, would punch out and punch in when they got back??? Where are those cameras over the time clocks when you need them? I don't seem to remember that my job requirements included having a car and driver's license....
No I couldn't use the company car, because I may go home from that location,and yes you do have to clock out between places.
No one had an accident that I knew of, but technically you were off the clock between the two, and we all know what technically means if their ass is on the line.
If you didn't clock out, you could be fired to clock back in at your next location, you could be terminated.
Is it fair? No. Is it reality? Yes.

Let me put in my suggestion: Pay the people while they are in transit.....frank
badges?? We don't need no stinkin' badges....
P.S. The guy on the left is an engineer at Kronos.....
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