I'm running a totally unofficial survey above the cluster map. This week it has the question: Wool-gathering, just wait.....
Do you feel that the coverage by the Paris News is: 25%-Sparce, 6%-Over-played, 8%-Balanced, or 65%-Slanted?
How many times a week do you hear the-paris-site mentioned (email counts)? 21-Never, 36%-(1-5x), 21%-(6-10x), 9%-(11-20x), 11%-(21x or more)
Should Suddenlink break the anonymity of the blog, would you continue with their service? 12%-Yes, 61%-No, 25%-Don't, and wouldn't use....
Do you feel that the judge ruled correctly? 12%-Yes, 84%-No, 3%-Undecided
Is Essent leaning down the tax base and getting rid of the excess property, or are they selling off the extraneous to make it more desirable to a buyer? 3%-Lean strategy, 57%-Sale prep, 25%-both, 14%-credit neither
Should employees be paid for the time in transit between campuses? 4%-No, 96%-Yes
Do you feel that employee suggestions are given the scrutiny they deserve?
5%-Yes, 87%-No 7%-No idea
Should the expectation of privacy(anonymous blogging) be compromised by a Civil Suit? 9%-Yes, 91%-No
Will Essent finish their Cardiac Center of Excellence by years end? 10%-Yes, 2%-Undecided, 87%-No Note: Even Administration is now in the 'No' column....
Previous week on attitude: Have you seen changes in the attitudes of the staff?
20%-No, 11%-Better, 68%-Worse
Do you feel that Holly and her family were unfairly targeted by PRMC?
93%-Yes, 6%-No, 1%-Undecided
Do you think this site violates HIPAA?
95%-No Remainder split between Yes and Undecided.
I'll try to get more creative in the future, but it's a start. It does a six-day calculation. I also take suggestions, with the usual profanity exclusions. Mostly at the level of what you can hear on network TV.
Along with this week's survey (again, all comments posted anonymously are anonymous), any specific examples are welcome.
One more thing, seriously: If you really do think that there is a HIPAA violation, email or comment to me where it is. I'll run it by either the HIPAA blog, or there are a few sites that have picked up on this that seem to have resident experts that I will try. I've said from the beginning that I had no intention of being in violation of the Act.
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