Greene Co Revisited...6/9
The folks from Greene Co, PA have started finding the blog:
Essent Healthcare seems to have absolutely no moral compass to follow, and that sort of culture comes from the top. It's a shame that the residents of Greene County are now left to suffer with this sad choice for employment, and healthcare. Certainly, they need to become more aware of this ugly organization that has slimed its way into our community. Your blog is one way to accomplish at least that much.
And: Hello. I just ran across your interesting, and insightful blog a few days ago. You've really hit the nail on the head regarding Essent's business model of oppression, and fear! I was an employee @ the old (and much better) Greene County Memorial Hospital in Waynesburg, PA. I simply cannot believe that our board of directors allowed such an amoral group to takeover the sole hospital into our county. In the board's defense, they weren't really heavy thinkers. :)
...I know many current, and an ever-increasing pool of ex-Essent employees who may have information that would interest you, and your blog readers. Are you interested in that sort of information? If so, I will point them in your direction.
Please let me know, and keep up the great work!!!
And I did, let him know, that is.
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