Someone who has the "Granite Fixtures" to drag all the cockroaches in the PRMC program out into the glaring light of day. May you be commended. Having been a patient in that ER and a Parent with a sick child there, it is undoubtedly gone down hill past the point of rock bottom and has begun to dig with a clam-shell steam shovel. Both of my kids were delivered at the woefully gone McCuistion, at the hands of the late and sorely missed Dr. A. Frank White, MD (glad this isn't paper there would be tear stains.) God rest his soul, he would be turning like a whirling dervish in his grave to see the medical care fall apart the way it has. L.P. McCuistion would be calling for the heads of the POWERS THAT BE to roll like bowling balls.And I did ask if I could publish it. Here was the response:
Medicine is supposed to be a service TO the people, NOT a SERVICING OF the PEOPLE!
If the people of Paris are smart they will use a little extra gas and go to Dallas or a lot extra and head south to Houston. With the choice no longer MRMC and St. Jo the people in Paris would do better going to one of the Vet Hospitals on the loop, they would get quicker care in the case of an emergency.Some of the nurses are ok, others should be sent back to their rolls as Dominatrix and there they should stay. Yeah, you know who you are! The procedures and policy book at that hospital should be read a little more and not be used to even up a table leg! The Employee horror stories are many and diverse and if a book were written about all of the screw-ups and idiotic actions it would make War and Peace look like a pocket book!
For what it is worth the people of Paris should demand the closure of the PRMC campuses and find a bank to loan the city the money to make it a city owned medical care facility. If they don't, the lord high masters will close down and move out in a snit!
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest
You can use the whole bloody letter I wrote if you so choose! Tired of seeing the employees have to bend over and try not to smile. In the classic words of Frat boys in initiation, "Thank you Sir, May I have another".
If they don't have the hospital closed in the next 12-18 months it will be a God sent miriacle.
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