Monday, August 20, 2012

Start Making Sense of Work Visas For Foreigners

In some cases, hiring foreigners can foster global goodwill.  I like to think so.  Interesting interview transcript here offering many different perspectives. 
There are a lot of employers who take no interest in their cultural experience, and just want to get the work out of them. And the kids are happy, in many instances, to work 12 hours a day, because if you're from Moldova and you're making $8 an hour, that's a lot of money. It's like an American kid going overseas and making $60 an hour. That's the differential.
With High Youth Unemployment, Making Sense of Summer Work Visas For Foreigners | PBS NewsHour | Transcript interview plus video.

Comments are insightful -- 36 thus far at this writing and still going strong.

Related piece:  Making Sen$e with Paul Solman
The Unemployment Paradox:  Why Job Seekers, Employers Aren't Connecting

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