I'd like to say the county could come up with something at this point, but truth is, some of those physicians that have been "reading this blog for 2 years and HAVE NOT ONCE heard of a solution" need to step up and become players again. (The blog has been here for three, and there have been suggestions of that nature....)OK,OK,OK, I get it........you have a situation with medical care in Paris,Texas.
I have been reading this blog for 2 years and HAVE NOT ONCE heard of a solution. This country is full of whiners and finger pointers. Come on people, step up and put some backbone in it and solve the problem. I am a physician and have watched things fall apart. I cannot agree more that the Big Boys snookered the "ownership" of the not-for-profits and sold you down the river.OK, now for the solution....take back control of your destiny. It is too expensive to "buy back" the facilities that exist with dwindling profits and ownership is now private (not subject to oversight). You need a new facility with options for inpatient care and cooperation with a larger facility for transfers. You need a robust outpatient facility for the majority of ambulatory care. Allow the hospitals to carry on with their "for profit" management and they will soon learn that Paris no longer "needs them". Once this occurs, the doors to the meeting room will fly open.
Anonymous said...
"OK, now for the solution....take back control of your destiny. It is too expensive to "buy back" the facilities that exist with dwindling profits and ownership is now private (not subject to oversight). You need a new facility with options for inpatient care and cooperation with a larger facility for transfers. You need a robust outpatient facility for the majority of ambulatory care. Allow the hospitals to carry on with their "for profit" management and they will soon learn that Paris no longer "needs them". Once this occurs, the doors to the meeting room will fly open."best idea i've heard yet, doc. how do we make this happen?

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