"1970: The U.S. Congress creates the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., nicknamed Freddie Mac."What may play out could possibly be foretelling the fate of healthcare in a foreseeable future.
Well, what do I mean by that? De-regulation is being slapped about as the cause of the problems, but was it de-regulated? There were several mandates that were placed on lenders to make sub-prime loans. They made them, but in order to minimize their exposure (risk), they would re-sell those mortgages. Those were repackaged and sold as securities by Freddie Mac. When the mortgages were defaulted, the securities were devalued...do we see where this is heading?
"Freddie Mac is a shareholder-owned corporation whose people are dedicated to improving the quality of life by making the American dream of decent, accessible housing a reality. We accomplish this mission by linking Main Street to Wall Street--purchasing, securitizing and investing in home mortgages, and ultimately providing homeowners and renters with lower housing costs and better access to home financing. Since our inception, Freddie Mac has achieved more than 30 consecutive years of profitability and financed one out of every six homes in America."30 years of profitability---didn't quite make 40, did we? And, for the last several years, the CEO of Freddie Mac was stating that the reported figures were not accurate! Why isn't the former management team of the F.M.s coming under the same scrutiny as Enron? There is far more money and far more impact in the trickle-down effects.
Do we want this kind of management turned loose on healthcare? How about the politics? S

Current members of Congress have received a total of $4.8 million from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with Democrats collecting 57 percent of that.Can you say, "Deal Maker?"
We see the purpose as providing 'accessible' housing. Isn't that similar to the mantra of 'accessible' healthcare.
Can you see the writing on the wall?
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