Any news yet? Or is the ozone cloud that is emanating from the judge's brain still hanging over the courthouse, as he ponders this decision.......Actually, I'd hate to be in his spot. Basic liberties vs the largest single employer in town (might not be any more with the outsourcing, but for argument's sake let's say it is)...and with an election coming up. The dissection of his decision will be in the legal reviews as well as the boardroom.
Watch it come down to a coin flip: heads, guilty; tails, innocent.....
......and Essent provides a two-headed coin.
But, I'm not wild about mine, either. Legal representation is not free, and I'm going to hate being back in the state court of appeals. As Todd (formerly known as Matt) comments:
Frak-a-rino:That's a question for the ages. Hud's ego, initially. Now, probably the point is moot. They want my name, but probably not for an actual trial. It wouldn't gain them anything, and more than likely hurt them--I do have enough to prove what I say. They can impose economic sanctions without that--just look back at Holly and her family. Come to think of it, it probably is still ego. These are still Hud's picked cronies. Dick is still at Essent. Browder was picked by Hud. Dickie picked Duckie.
I only check your blog every few weeks anymore.....You have run out of steam, bro'. Looks like despite your best efforts you have been singularly unsuccessful in bringing Essent to its knees.
This may be a good response in your court case.....you haven't caused a whit of damages, so why the h@#$ are they wasting their time and money suing you?
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