"Hud" Connery...Rumored to be 'considering offers.'
Andrew Knizley...You've got to see this. If you note, PRMC didn't even show as a blip on his resume, other than size of staff--which under him was reduced significantly. A 'risk-taker'....
'Dick' Salerno...Still with Essent. Wouldn't be suprised if he was the guiding light for the Ayer mortgage and 'downsizing of their commitments.' Something about a submission of a certificate of need at a previous position just has that ring....
Anna Gene O'Neal...Vice President for Quality and Performance Improvement for Cogent Healthcare. A new position in a 350 person company, seemingly a bit of a drop from Essent's Vice President of Hospital Operations and Clinical Quality. But, she did survive the wrath of Hud.
Bill Heburn...Joined CHS two years ago. Long time to get over a Hud dismissal.
Michael Davis...CFO to the original Essent start-up, bailed in 2002 to CHS (right about the time of the Sharon purchase.) Currently Behavioral Centers of America CFO.
David Kreye...COO at Baptist Hospital North Central in San Antonio. Has been very low key, one would almost think he's not there. Far from Paris and Greene Co.
Notice that none of these folks and, I would venture to say, none of the current Essent crew has been in a single company for over 10 years. They have little in common with the poor schlubs that are trying to retire from a company. Twenty or thirty years? Hah! They can't understand what would motivate a person to be in one place that long. Not just move up or move out, but move out to move up. So, if you're feeling chummy with administration...don't. They won't be here that long. By choice.
I liked a comment that came through after this last round of non-performance-raises:
Mediocrity is king.
Andrew Knizley...You've got to see this. If you note, PRMC didn't even show as a blip on his resume, other than size of staff--which under him was reduced significantly. A 'risk-taker'....
"Profit oriented focusAhh yes, shareholder value. Tangible results? Enhance customer satisfaction? Anyone with a subscription to American Hospital Directory can verify the 'tangible results' that Andy created for PRMC during his tenure. But, resumes are selling tools, and should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt.
We help rebuild core businesses with a focus on the bottom line. We work with clients to develop new product lines and cull unprofitable product lines. We have multiple awards for enhancing shareholder value.
Our team has a high-level ability to conceptualize and prioritize. We have a track record of transferring ideas into tangible results.
Quality centered management
We help our clients to achieve lasting, long-term results through intense focus on quality improvement. We have earned multiple national quality awards achieved in short time frames at turn-around facilities. We are fluent in the use of “best practices” and quality improvement methods to enhance performance and customer satisfaction."
'Dick' Salerno...Still with Essent. Wouldn't be suprised if he was the guiding light for the Ayer mortgage and 'downsizing of their commitments.' Something about a submission of a certificate of need at a previous position just has that ring....
Anna Gene O'Neal...Vice President for Quality and Performance Improvement for Cogent Healthcare. A new position in a 350 person company, seemingly a bit of a drop from Essent's Vice President of Hospital Operations and Clinical Quality. But, she did survive the wrath of Hud.
Bill Heburn...Joined CHS two years ago. Long time to get over a Hud dismissal.
Michael Davis...CFO to the original Essent start-up, bailed in 2002 to CHS (right about the time of the Sharon purchase.) Currently Behavioral Centers of America CFO.
David Kreye...COO at Baptist Hospital North Central in San Antonio. Has been very low key, one would almost think he's not there. Far from Paris and Greene Co.
Notice that none of these folks and, I would venture to say, none of the current Essent crew has been in a single company for over 10 years. They have little in common with the poor schlubs that are trying to retire from a company. Twenty or thirty years? Hah! They can't understand what would motivate a person to be in one place that long. Not just move up or move out, but move out to move up. So, if you're feeling chummy with administration...don't. They won't be here that long. By choice.
I liked a comment that came through after this last round of non-performance-raises:
What makes it more of a disconnect is the current bastardization of TQM (TotalQuality Management for those of you from Rio Linda). About the only characteristic that has emerged is the evaluation by peers. Which, by itself, has the tendancy to homogenize the workforce. It recognizes both ends of the bell curve: Those that do a poor job, those that make the others look bad...and those that make them feel uncomfortable. Performace is irrelevant, it's a Survivor or Big Brother social club. Who's next to be voted off the island?
Mediocrity is king.
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