Toyota is often cited as having one of the best suggestion programs of any corporation. They also had not laid off any employees since 1950 (not sure if that still holds true, but probably so.)His definition of bitching, pissing and moaning might be a
bit different than ours. For one thing, those that are recognizing problems, and suggesting solutions are the ones that aren't saying, "That's not my job." Maybe administration would prefer that they were, but patients don't.
Housekeeping used a wax that was softened by the cleaning solution they used to mop it. It produced a sensation of sticking to fly-paper as you walked. Solution: Change the wax, or change the cleaner. The extra money spent would be paid back in public perception almost immediately.
An effective suggestion program can make the difference between red and black ink, but the opinion is anyone that doesn't believe that the moon is made of green cheese (admin's view), is a troublemaker.
When you feel that your ideas do not fall on deaf ears, you are far more likely to feel appreciated for your efforts. As admin has found, complaints that you hear are backed 10 to 1 with those you don't. This blog could be a demonstration of that.
Complaints are opportunities (ironically, the link is about Vandy.) And the first part of a problem-solving process is to identify the problem. Those that don't appreciate that fact are doomed to failure.
Say the hospital did get rid of all those who have read or commented to the blog. Can you say, Ghost Town?
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