Its kinda hard to have the proverbial sh_t scared out of someone when there are no violations of the law that have taken place. If PRMC was smart, they would realize that they can not initiate a HIPAA action in State or FEDERAL court. The only ones who can are CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services) and HHS (Health and Human Services).
A physician in Nashville..... hmmm.....Isn't that where Essent is based?
First of all, isn't it illegal to retaliate against a person who has reported a crime, or who is a potential witness against a corporation in a state or federal criminal case? Not saying Essent has done such, but should they retaliate (and if a blogger or bloggers, or employee or employees, or a patient) has reported an alleged crime, I believe retaliation is an offense.
ETMC and several others were in discussion for this hospital, but the Christus board bought Hud's dog and pony show, and went with them.
Maybe this town is better without this so called doctor from Nashville (hud's back yard) assuming that it isn't Nashville, Arkansas. Hell, who knows, Hud and this doc may be members of the same Country Club. Wonder if he will pay Hud's legal defense bills????
After all, Enron's officials were criminally prosecuted. If a crime has been committed by Essent (who knows if it has or not).
I am going to put some numbers up here to report alleged Medicare fraud by Essent/PRMC or other illegal acts, below of when to "Contact the FBI" (Health Care Fraud, Corporate Fraud, etc).
FYI, the FBI office that handles Lamar (and other counties

Suite 506 1800 Teague Drive
Sherman, Texas 75090
Phone: 903-892-8764
Here is there address and contact information. Ask to speak to a Special Agent regarding possible crimes committed by Essent, which hypothetically could involve fraud. It is not illegal to report something to the feds, even if it is only a suspicion. If you have knowledge which may prove a crime is or has been committed.
Mr. Dux, go ahead and sue the blog, request the identities of the people who have said things here. That will only go to further the belief that this is being done as retaliation by Essent. The best thing you can "Dux" is let this thing play out however it does, and not interfere. If people think a crime has been committed, let the feds investigate. If an investigation is underway, all you are "Dux-ing" is making it look bad on the company.
I am a patient- not an employee, nor have I ever been employed by Essent PRMC. The community knows something is wrong, we know how we are treated.
I was diagnosed with severe problems that were not detected during testing with PRMC (misdiagnosed), now I am going to undergo multiple operations to correct the miss-diagnosis of PRMC's physicians and the hospital, and other local doctors. I was prescribed medications, which when combined can cause seizures. I have had seizures ever since visiting your hospital. I had no family history of seizures. When I was treated elsewhere, and after giving them my list of meds, (which were prescribed in the ER), the combination alone can cause seizures.
I think the best thing that can happen is that if fraud is alleged to have occurred, that the person or persons, or employee or employees know that they can be protected for reporting criminal offenses which may be occurring, or may have occurred, if in fact one has occurred.
When Should You Contact the FBI?
If you have an emergency situation that requires an immediate law enforcement response, you should always call 911 or otherwise contact your local Police Department or Sheriff's Department first.
The FBI is a federal investigative and intelligence agency that has jurisdiction in a wide range of federal crimes; all national security matters such as terrorism and espionage; cyber/computer crimes and intrusions; and intelligence activities that relate to those missions. Below are some examples of when you should contact the your local FBI office or the main office in Dallas:
You have information about organized crime activities
You have information about or have been the victim of financial crimes that involve fraud, especially Corporate fraud, Mortgage fraud, or other investment fraud schemes where significant dollar losses have occurred
You have information about fraud in the Health Care industry.
-From FBI Dallas website
Everyone needs to know that Medicare fraud is a serious offense, and if there have been up-coding, over-billing, etc, it only hurts those who are recipients of Medicare, and the honest providers out there (not saying Essent isn't honest), but there seems to be some allegations of fraud. Report them and see what happens. The FBI is not going to "out you for reporting a crime". They keep everything quiet, and will work to secure your identity. Hell, they may even pay you as an informant!
-Former PRMC patient considering a lawsuit!
It's kind of like talk-radio. I put on the "Nashville Doc from McKinney", and then folks can comment...and they do.
Essent pays a lot for their side of the discussion--websites like what they put together aren't cheap. But, they allow no discussion of the issues, and suggestions? ...we know where they go.... And if you actually end up like Holly.
Every process needs feedback for control...when it isn't incorporated into the planning, the un-planned makes its appearance....frank
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