Just Sitting Back...5/11
Sometimes a quote gives you a chance to let other people do your job:
With all the changes in executive personnel, the cashflow picture from the vast Essent empire (all of 5 hospitals), turnovers in facility CEOs, the sale of one property after they couldn't do anything with it but watch it bleed, the refusal by three communities whose boards actually did their due diligence and didn't let greed, hubris, and outright stupidity rule their thought processes......why in the world would anyone with enough cash to burn a wet mule (and hopefully an IQ above that of a Boston fern) invest in this sorry excuse of a company? If this was the same picture in all of corporate America, we'd all be in rags on the street in months.
Essent isn't a company, it's a shipwreck looking for a place to sink. It's an old man
who died, but doesn't have the decency to fall down anywhere. Hud isn't a great executive- he's a blithering idiot in nice clothes. Even the other for-profit chains (including HCA, his onetime employer) are better run than this mob. Essent's situation, as well as the situation here at PRMC, can be described in one word, but I can only use the first two syllables for decency's sake- cluster.
And Jo Sparkman is being complimented for this? I want whatever she's having, but make mine a double.
Wonder what light Anna Jean could shed on things?????
What's hilarious is that corporate is paying good money to mask the fact that they're tracking the blog...come'n guys, Hughes and Dolphini??? Get a grip.
We'd have even more serious doubts regarding your intelligence if you weren't keeping an eye on it....
"Holy sh#t, these people are in it up to their eyeballs. I get a morbid pleasure thinking of how tight Hud's sphincter is each morning as he checks the blog to see if the flashlight is shining on any more of his dirty dealings. Don't you just wonder what's out there that hasn't been discovered yet?"
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