I heard through the grapevine...(that things are getting thinner in Nashville)... and Hud's about to l-o-o-o-s-e his mind.... Anna Jean and Mal have walked the plank, who's next? If only Dick was still there, he might have had his chance!
You kind of have to consider who has the largest amount of stock options--Joe Pinion and Hal Andrews were probably at the top of the list. Dick was already gone, and now Anna Jean and Mal have met their untimely demise. Dick is back, but if he's holding on to the FTI position, maybe he can tell which way the wind is blowing...rather than waiting for the big one...or the other shoe.... The twisted thing about it is not that he fired them, it's that they were listed as friends** from way back or fast-burners under his tutelage...but, hey, it's just business....
Corporate used to be a safe bet--only the head honcho might be trimmed off. Heck, that's how Hud moved up in Health Trust---the previous CEO had to dry out, so suddenly Hud is running things.
Don't think that that is about to happen, but we can always hope.
**People mistakenly believe that Hud is their friend but Hud has no friends, just people he uses until they no longer serve his purpose.
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