E is for EmployeesEmployees are our most important resource.
....We say it's true; we know that these are facts.
But when things tighten up in the finances,
....Our most important resource gets the axe.
S is for Stockholders 
Jerry was an employee, and every word he had
....Was all about the Stockholders and why they were so bad.
"They siphon all our profits, skim the cream right off the top.
....There's nothing left for us, and soon this company will stop!"
But Jerry's had a change of heart and ceased his wayward talk--
....He finally saved enough to buy a thousand shares of stock.
S is for Stockholders
So important we say it twice
....ARCON, Essent, is it worth the price?
E is for EmployeesSo important that we're given time
....but not enough value to give a dime.
A nickle is what says our worth
....since money's tight, it's like a dearth.
N is for New 
A brand-new hospital! Now that's what we need
....To make profits rise with an excellent speed.
A new CEO! Yes, that's the thing
....That finally will make the bottom-line sing.
Let's add something new--maybe two, three or four,
....Although we did just fine without them before,
And don't really need them. Oh, yes, it's all true,
....But we still think we ought to have something that's new.
T is for Teamwork
"We must work together," the manager said,
...."Or quite angry the new boss will be.
We all have to march on in lockstep ahead,

....For it's teamwork that he wants to see."
So we all got in step with the slowest of all,
....So we wouldn't leave any behind,
And our group's productivity slowed to a crawl,
....But our manager has peace of mind.
P is for Paradigm Shift 
Knizley had a paradigm, if you can get my drift,
And every time things got too slow, that paradigm would shift.
It shifted on the nurses, the techs and such.
It shifted left, it shifted right, and all without a clutch.
It made the CEO rejoice, for each new paradigm
Meant he could use that buzzword in a memo one more time.
I just liked using Paradigm myself....frank