Thursday, February 16, 2006

Counting Down...

Tomorrow, one of the longest running relationships in Paris healthcare ends. The radiology group is divorcing itself from PRMC. It is going to be an interesting change.
The new locums will have no real stake in Paris, nor any direct financial incentive other than that of a temporary employee. The radiology group had the need to ensure that the coding was correct for both themselves and the hospital and caught a multitude of mistakes.

The radiology group has experienced coders, in fact they do coding and billing for other practices. The hospital will be playing catch-up.

The radiology group had a PACS that had all the bugs worked out of it, the hospital has one yet to be installed.

But Hud says that he can do it faster and better. So while Nashville calls the tune, the hospital and the community have to get on their dancing shoes. We'll see how fast they can tap dance tomorrow.

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