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We give you a chance to do just that -- kick back, awake feelings, put a smile on your face and remember the niceties that life has to offer -- here.
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Only entrepreneurs have the flexibility, the freedom and the risk-everything ambition to find the path back to prosperity in a rapidly changing, technology-driven global economy.Let's hear it for all entrepreneurs worldwide!
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The companies work in a variety of sectors, and hail from a host of countries. Not surprisingly, Brazil, China, and India account for the biggest portions of the list. The list is also very volatile, as 19 new companies made this year’s list. They are also extremely ambitious, with strong desire to capture global market share. They also benefit from a relatively lower cost of capital, and a concentration of ownership, which helps fend off potential hostile takeover attempts. As growth accelerates, these firms are willing to reach outside and bring in other expertise -- often through global alliances, acquisitions, and by building management teams with a global perspective.
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Heard that last week on South Campus there were 30 patients and only three nurses to care for them. Heard the nurses filed a "safe haven".Safe Haven is a notification of a dangerous situation--in this case loading three nurses with 10 patients apiece. Some patients require a higher nursing to patient ratio. If this was the situation, it was appropriate. Just remember, we can't talk about being short-staffed....
And one of Ducky's "8 Points" is The Patient Comes First?
Rrrrrright....that goes along with "Employees are our most valuable resource"!
So Essent sent out a memo that stated the following:But, is she really? I can't tell. And who would be stupid enough...need I say more?
"It starts out with Happy New Year..
and in one of those small paragraphs it has a little note informing about the increasing number of complaints (anonymous on-line internet "blogging".) "This will not be tolerated and will lead to immediate termination of employment and is a violation of company policy and the Federal Law!" The Health Information Director at MVH posted a comment on the blog using her name and title. So is she still employed or is it just to scare the employees?
Quote from "Kathy DiPietro, RHIT said...
I am the Director of the Health Information Mangement Department at MVH and I am tired of being lied about by ex-employees"
The Federal Law the memo was citing was in regards to HIPAA info. Posting priviledged information is a violation of federal law. However, I hope he can prove it!!!Mr. Fletcher is the source of all HIPAA in Essent, however he's been aware of several breaches (and not on this blog) that have quietly gone away.
Saw a memo sent out to all employees from Charles "Mr HIPAA" Fletcher that first congratulated employees on being mindful of HIPAA regs but then warned them that posting on blogs "even anonymously" was a violation of Essent policy and would be strictly enforced.
This was kind of a hold-over from Christus. They had two policies that chapped: You couldn't discuss anything of a detrimental nature outside the hospital, and actions of employees that brought discredit to the hospital, even if on their own time, were grounds for dismissal.
And there are whistle-blower statutes in place to protect those revealing actual situations that are criminal or dangerous. We use 'medical ethics' to justify non-disclosure of medical malfeasance. How can the truth be a violation when it corrects a dangerous situation?Recently, while wating to check out at WalMart, in response to my "how are you?" a complete stranger told me all about her recent surgery, the complications and the care she received at PRMC. As well as a similar surgery and complications her aunt had. For many people a surgery or even just a hospital stay is a life event and newsworthy. They tell everyone about it.
So how can Fletch be so sure that an anonymous post about a patient's experiences at PRMC are from an employee? The answer is he can't. It's just another excuse for a witch hunt. Already people have been fired from allegedly having something to do with this blog. Oh, wait. For going in a different direction from the hospital. Just another way to get rid of 'necessary terrorists'!
I find it rather alarming that Essent's logo is very much like Enron's. Didn't that start with the CEO stealing the employee's pensions??And lastly:
I hear another layoff is coming soon.
Please, dear Lord, let the rumor about ETMC be true!!!
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“If we’re going to get our economy working again, we have to pay attention on how to get people and small businesses to perform and prosper ... I think you are vital to the restoration of growth in our economy ... It is innovation and entrepreneurship that will lead us out of this economic crisis. Not big government, not big business, not big labor.”Way back when in his "The World Is Flat" book, Thomas Friedman wrote about how technology and globalization have changed our lives forever.
I overheard a conversation that wasn't for public consumption. The gist was that ETMC was currently engaged in talks to acquire PRMC.
I don't know how far it's gone, but it sounded serious.
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According to Jarrard, discussions of a possible sale have been tabled for the time being noting that “every Essent hospital is profitable and growing in their markets."If you note the timeframe, that was in November of 2007--exactly the period that is displayed on the American Hospital Directory's site right now, showing the losses of what, $5 Million? So much for Essent's veraciousness.
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In sum, the 27 million small businesses in the United States play a vital role in the economic well-being of our nation. the Office of Advocacy's research contributes to the understanding of the importance of small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit in generating economic growth, hiring and training new workers, and creating innovative products and services that will strengthen America's competitiveness in an increasingly global economy.Immediate download of the The 2008 Small Business Economy Report (366 pages -- including chapters focusing on financing, procurement, international trade, small business training and development, tax policy, business creation, and regulation) can be obtained here.
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Essent has an advantage: Being smaller, they can modify and change direction as needed, without overcoming inertia.
Essent also has a disadvantage: Lack of inertia. They're like a momentium invester who changes direction as the market does. One day he's going to zig when he should've zagged.
A larger corporation has more commitment to a course of action. That's where staying the course comes from. Essent's been changing direction--more likely chasing its tail--for the entire time they've been in Paris, and more so since Hud left.
Say what you will, he had a vision. Not ours, but it was a guide, a rudder. Now Essent is rudderless, and Browder just hasn't got it.
Think about all the changes, reversals, and reversals of the reversals. It has no internal compass. They won't know where they are when they get there.
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Using innovation management models previously applied to other industries, Clayton M. Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, argues in “The Innovator’s Prescription” that the concepts behind “disruptive innovation” can reinvent health care. The term “disruptive innovation,” which he introduced in 2003, refers to an unexpected new offering that through price or quality improvements turns a market on its head.This falls right in line with our Trend No. 1 in Top 10 Global Trends for Small Businesses for 2009 (published January 21, 2009):
Disruptive innovators in health care aim to shape a new system that provides a continuum of care focused on each individual patient’s needs, instead of focusing on crises. Mr. Christensen and his co-authors argue that by putting the financial interests of hospitals and doctors at the center, the current system gives routine illnesses with proven therapies the same intensive and costly specialized care that more complicated cases require.
“At the same time, this is a great moment to innovate: shrinking budgets and diminishing revenues from existing offerings normally bring out the best and most creative in business professionals.”Economist Joseph Schumpeter popularized a similar concept called “creative destruction” in 1942 in his book, “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy,” that describes the process of transformation that accompanies radical innovation. Look for more of this type of disruptive innovation in 2009.
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Founded in 1955, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) was the first international membership organization to promote the growth and development of small businesses worldwide. The organization brings together educators, researchers, policy makers and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.One of our trusted colleagues, Dr. Jeffrey Cornwall, is also a member so when you have time, check out what ICSB has to offer ... lots of tips, tools and resources to enable you to learn more about going global ... and see if membership might benefit you too.
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First, America must remove trade barriers on exports from the poorest countries, regardless of trade policies in those countries. With global market access, poor countries would automatically attract private investment, despite their institutional weaknesses. These institutions would become stronger over time as businesses flourish. Private investments capitalizing on access to global markets would necessarily employ low-cost labor, thus creating jobs.Read more here.
Next, small entrepreneurs can be bolstered with seed money in the range of $25,000. Small entrepreneurs create jobs, products and services that form the bedrock of flourishing democracies. With some tangible changes in its operation, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) within the World Bank Group could promote development through entrepreneurs. The World Bank should stop lending to governments and be absorbed into the reformed IFC.