I read your comments about agency nurses and I would like to add some of my own, as well as steer you straight about we agency folk.By the way, did I mention that I worked agency many, many, moons ago? When I was, I worked where I wanted to, because they wanted me. The ones that E$$ent wants...don't want them...Frank.
While it's true that agency personnel are temporary by nature, it isn't quite true that we have no vested interest in the patients in a certain facility. I am a former PRMC employee/refugee, currently working as an agency medical technologist. While I do not stay at any one place for longer than, say, 26 weeks, I do care about the quality of my work and how it affects the patients of the client facility I may be at. The same is true for most of the agency nurses. Granted, I have not yet found a place I care to stay permanently, and granted I have no desire to stay at my current post past my contract time, but one thing I pride myself on is turning out good work. I felt the same way when I was a former McCuistion employee, and even under the Christus and Essent regimes.
OK, so much for defending my career, now for some numbers:
I'm not sure how much agency RNs bring in on an hourly basis, but I can tell you that it costs the facility a pretty penny not only hiring an agency person, but add in the salary, insurance, per diem, car allowance, housing (paid for by the client in the fee paid to the agency) and whatnot, and it ain't cheap. Multiply that by all the agency folks contracted out by PRMC, and that's an awful lot of coin going out the door. As a contract medical technologist, I spent 20 weeks at the VA center in Augusta, Maine. I was told that the VA was paying my agency on average of 75 dollars per hour to have me there. I paid no bills or rent, my utilities were paid, and all I had to buy was food (and the occasional adult beverage if I desired), gas, and stuff for personal maintenance. RNs historically get paid more than medical technologists (could be all the P&Ming their group has done over the years), so I'll bet 75 bucks an hour is darn cheap- probably higher for the nurses.
Again, we are temporary- once our contracts are up, unless we get extensions we're gone. Training time (which takes up considerable amount of contract time), & money out the window, which has got to be invested for each new temp.
Here's an idea, radical tho it may be- spend the coin to improve the wage & bennie package, change the facility culture, and make the place more attractive to we allied health personnel to want to stay. I was happy during my time at McCuistion, and even tho we sniped with the St. Joe lab, we helped each other out when we ran short of certain reagents, let each other run specimens on our analyzers in a pinch, and had a friendly rivalry with little hostility. THR screwed that one up, resulting in the merger of facilities and eventual purchase by Essent.
It could be the only way to change culture is to change ownership.
I know- well, duh.......
PS- I know how to post to blogs and all, but the computer I use at work to answer email prohibits access to weblogs. My wife was kind enough to copy & paste some of the jucier parts & send 'em to me in an email. It's good to know that there are some other employees there in Paris that aren't bending over when Essent tells 'em to. Perhaps someday I'll tell you how I came to be an ex-PRMC employee, but for now keep up the good fight, and chinga Essent!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
In the Defense of Agency/Travelers/Temps...6/10
Had a lot of email about temps. There are good and bad, some are temps because of the situation like ours, some are because they like to be, and some are because they can't get hired any other way. This one seems like the first kind.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Stop Fakes, That Is, Global Intellectual Ones

Unfortunately, intellectual property has captured the attention of pirates and organized crime. Today, piracy, counterfeiting and the theft of intellectual property pose a serious threat to all U.S. businesses. Industry estimates of the cost of such theft range from $250 billion to 750,000 jobs per year. These threats to ongoing invention and innovation make it important to consider securing IP protection, whether you're a major multinational firm or a 1-person home business.
Stop fakes and start taking action. Visit the site here.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Pro-active: Suggestions for the Hospital...8/24

How 'bout serious suggestions? That way they can't say it was never offered up to them ('cause let's face it, this is prime reading for directors--they might find out here first that they were fired!)
Yes, the picture has been re-used, but it was just too good and fitting not to...I did replace it with another.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Web Sites for Discerning Global Finance Students
John Wachowicz, Jr., Ph.D., CPA and Professor of Finance at The University of Tennessee contacted me in response to a letter I wrote in February to the editor of CEO Magazine. (Wo)Man did I sound off! He apparently liked the horn-blowing so much that he decided to link it -- Globetrade.com not the letter! -- to his own educational financial management website. Seeing that John is a Ph.D. and CPA, I paid a visit to his site and found it to be quite good. You might like it too.
Wachowicz's Web World
Thanks John!
Wachowicz's Web World
Thanks John!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Brilliance at its best

Investment banks like Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley, technology companies like Microsoft and Google and many others are creating captive organizations in many parts of the globe to get access to this local talent pool. Why is this important? Well very few of the thinking workers "trade" on a global basis. Put another way, of the millions of engineers in Russia or India, few of them can move to where the work is -- so the smart companies, who have models where they can create high leverage for thinking work, are moving to that local supply of talent. The challenge is, very few organizations analyze who their thinking workers are, and which ones add the most leverage. Fewer yet ask, do we have the best in the world?
The immortal word of the founder of IBM, Thomas Watson, Sr. , was "THINK." If he were alive today he might say, "THINK! BUT WHERE?"
Catch the post by John Sviokla here: Thinking About the Thinking Class: Outsource low leverage thinking work, offshore high leverage thinking work
Monday, May 22, 2006
An Interview with Thomas Friedman

"I've been at the right place and the right time to see a lot of things ... What that's made me is very much someone who is aware of the important role that America plays in the world."
Read the interview here.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Is Your Business On The Verge of Extinction?

Going global is no longer an either / or proposition. Propelling your business globally could be as simple as setting up a Website to market your goods and services.
To find out if your business is on the verge of extinction read the article here. Then let me know.
This Bud's for You, Hud....5/29
A new quote from cyberspace:
"Paris Imaging Center is now open for business--and you know that Hud has to be really, really, chapped.... A professional, new, up-to-date facility, (on the loop, yet!) surely can't sit well. It's like a maple sap spigot that's jammed into E$$ent's side, and there are plenty more to follow.When La Quinta made their announcement that it would be used for patient recovery and their families, for the new "physician's offices" next-door, I had my suspicions. I figured it wasn't going to be the standard family practice/ internal medicine suites. Well, it sailed through the rezoning with only minor contention from the other hotel/motel owners. I figure that outpatient surgery center is not the exclusive province of the hospital...something tells me it's a GI/Bariatric surgery center. When Dr Dickey dropped his privileges at the hospital, he divorced himself from the possibility of divided loyalties. Now he has privileges at Clarksville (and he's not the only one checking out the territory. You'd be surprised....)
I figure that it's not Ortho, and Cardiology is still looking at their own--and trying to sell space. Maybe general surgery, or plastics, but it doesn't seem likely.
No, I'd say it's a niche hospital/surgical center, and it's going to hit E$$ent hard--right in their insurance claims.
Now the question is: Who's going to buy the intervening space between the Imaging Center and the La Quinta? Maybe E$$ent will resort to the old Monty technique of buying the competition...after all, that's what got us into this fix."
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Foreign Exchange Precautions for Exporters

Read the article here.
United States perspective: Exports are improving. The Bush administration hopes a falling dollar will boost export trade by making U.S. exports cheaper for foreigners and goods made abroad more expensive for Americans. The dollar began falling late last year. Since the start of April, its drop has accelerated against a variety of currencies, from the euro to the yen.
Bottom line: Understanding foreign exchange risk is critical to any export venture.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Global Experience Talks

Read the article here.
Monday, May 8, 2006
A new victim in the making....6/4
Okay folks, got an email. One takes what comes through here with a grain of salt, so let's leave off the hysterics and reply with candor and tact. I was going to reply (and will, but in a comment), but I figured you all needed a chance. Personally, I think that they should run, not walk to the nearest exit from that experience.
Read with interest the blogs on E$$ent. Our Board is considering leasing to E$$ent or another group. What advice would you give? What questions should be asked of the company? It seems like you have some disgruntled ex-employees blogging - or who knows maybe they are enlightened employees. Your board had glowing reports about ESSEnt....
How has patient care changed? How has staffing ratio nurse to patient changed? How have physicians received the change?What has been patient reaction - your board seems to have only glowing reports? How has the census been since the change over? Have you seen an increase in transfers out of your facility? How many people did Essent lay off when they came in? Have they kept their promises for expansions and infusion of capital?
How did they handle accrued benefit packages (accrued days off, accrued sick time, retirement benefits, etc) upon take over. Did all employees have to reapply for their jobs? What happened to CEO, CFO, CNO, other upper management and department heads? What did they consolidate - HR, IS, Accounting, etc???? Is there planned union activity?
Any info provided will be helpful. Our employees are scared, concerned about their future, and upset that our Board is considering such moves. No one wants us to see us lose local control. But it appears that the Board is moving rapidly in that direction.
Friday, May 5, 2006
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Is Radiology Self-Destructing?--6/22
Had a pt this weekend.... Multiple PE's shown on the CT....didn't get a report or find out for 6 hours... That's right... 6 HOURSAnd did we suddenly drop back to 4 hour coverage on the weekend? (That's four hours total, Virginia....)
Good job radiology
The fudge factor doesn't seem to be working in radiology these days. (Nope, it's in MIS! I 'C' how it is....)May 19th should prove interesting for Radiology employees. A mandatory staff meeting has been called for that date.
It would seem that the radiologist de jour turned up MIA this weekend... couldn't be located. They got another to come in for two of the 48 hours, and then split. Fortunately, they aren't too busy these days!
Larry, Moe, and Curley must be very proud... but oh! They don't even come in when their on call so I guess it doesn't matter!

Perhaps her superior will be there to quell rumors about his sweetie getting a job he is totally not qualified for and was posted for a fleeting second.
(Is this the way he gets out from under???)
It should prove verrrrrrrry interesting. Stay tuned. Film at 11.
Monday, May 1, 2006
PRMC: Reverse Polarity-- 5/29
If you've followed some of the links that are available on the site, you might have clicked on the ABC News dealing with infections. In it, the writer gives some standard advise on how to choose a hospital. This was a quote:
The Radiology director has been quoted as saying she'd rather have all temps...but even the temps don't really want to stay. Seldom do they renew.
I had comments about a boutique hospital in Dallas. There, the staff is well treated, meals are gratis, and they actually get bonuses...novel idea. Their retention rate is almost 100%--no one wants to leave. Contrast that to here: Almost everyone is looking for an alternative....
Why does administration like temps? They have no vested interest in the hospital. They couldn't care less about policy, administrative responsiveness, or even much about conditions...because they aren't staying!
Our problem is that we are. Our families are here, we have roots, and to leave would be to be beaten by E$$ent. My worst fear is that family or friends would be subjected to "E$$ent care", or lack there of.
I don't think that they could ever rise to the standard of a magnet, nor would they want to. The telling reason is this quote from an article in Nursing World:
"A number of sites rate hospitals and provide information on diagnosis and treatment, the procedures that are performed, and how the patients fared. There are also "nurse magnet" hospitals where the best nurses work, the morale is the highest, and the hospital has the most resources. You want to be where nurses want to be."Does this sound like PRMC? I haven't seen this many temps since working in a brand new medical center. There, they had an excuse: New hospital, immediate staffing needs. By the time they were one year into it, there were less than 6 temps working...heck, PRMC might have that on two floors in one shift!
The Radiology director has been quoted as saying she'd rather have all temps...but even the temps don't really want to stay. Seldom do they renew.
I had comments about a boutique hospital in Dallas. There, the staff is well treated, meals are gratis, and they actually get bonuses...novel idea. Their retention rate is almost 100%--no one wants to leave. Contrast that to here: Almost everyone is looking for an alternative....
Why does administration like temps? They have no vested interest in the hospital. They couldn't care less about policy, administrative responsiveness, or even much about conditions...because they aren't staying!
Our problem is that we are. Our families are here, we have roots, and to leave would be to be beaten by E$$ent. My worst fear is that family or friends would be subjected to "E$$ent care", or lack there of.
I don't think that they could ever rise to the standard of a magnet, nor would they want to. The telling reason is this quote from an article in Nursing World:
"Magnet facilities are required to respond to the complaint, and an immediate site visit is scheduled and investigation launched when the complaint involves a health and safety threat to patients or nurses."Could they afford an "immediate" site visit? I think not.
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